This week I got my sound scape ready for the peer crit which was the first time that people had a good chance to tell me what the thought of my soundscape. To do this I had to go back to the start and go through with a fine tooth come fixing any problems that were missed the first-time round. After this process was done I found that the mix was slightly off from where I wanted so I had to bring everything down except the master fader. I then brought thing up slowly pay close attention to the levels making sure that the it does not clip but it was still doing this so I had to work on the clip gains bring the ones that were too loud down re-mixing them back into the final mixing.
After doing this I found out that one of my recording had a few frequencies that were too powerful so I had to use EQ to isolate the frequencies and reduce them. Once I had done this the last remaining track that were refusing to sit nicely in the mix slotted into their position in the mix much better.
After the Peer crit I got very valuable feedback which made me think of how I can improve this soundscape in the future by adding a ticking sound between each city ambiance to help convey the passage of time to the listener.