Week 5
This week I went location scouting to find the best place that I will go to, to film I located a bridge overlooking a part of a motorway flanked by forests on both sides the problem that I faced was getting to there without getting a lift it would be to dark by the time I got there and the weather kept changing wildly form freezing cold to torrential rain making film difficult and not what I wanted my film to look like. The location that I is the best so now all I have to find is a way to get there before it gets too dark and the weather became too unpredictable the filming will need to wait till I get a brake from work and Uni and the weather is not to bad witch will not be in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, will start look at different sound effects that I could add to my film to build the feelings I am trying to convey to the audience and how they will fit with in the music to also not feel out of place becoming jarring to the viewer destroying their immersion in the end product