Week 2
This week we continued to be introduced to the new classes that we project in like the work, special audio. Also, this week I got a more conclusive idea what I am going to do for the work which I plan to do a full sound replacement for the conference scene from Star Wars A New Hope.
I plan to have Pete to Play Grand Moff Tarkan, Mark to play Admiral Motti, my father will play Darth Vader and I will pay High General Cassio Tagge. I will be replacing all of the sound effect with a combination of sound from freesound.org and Soundsnap.com and music from Epidemic. Most of this was disgusted with in the Work meetings with Adam and Pete I will use this to show that for the last six years I have improved with every project that I have undertaken.
I also created a house using word and colour for Adam class and I learned how to effectively convey my creative process in words for this journal and for any report that I have to create to justify why I added a sound or edited to fit the situation that I was wanting to crate. I will now use the 7-step method for any of the writing that I have to do.
This week’s game review
Days Gone
Days Gone is a third person open world survival game set in post-apocalyptic Origan developed by SIE Bend Studio and published by Sony. You play as Deacon St John voiced by Sam wither as you fight the infected hordes called freakers, insane cultists called rippers and other groups of humans called ambushers to survive. The main gameplay revolves around driving and upgrading your motorcycle. The main story is very enjoyable and the side missions clearing out freakers nests, rippers and ambusher camps to make the travel a little safer. There are also massive hordes that you have to fight but I would not recommend it if you are not prepared with plenty of ammo, healing items and a good escape plan because you can easily be overrun and ripped apart. The supporting cast of characters are fun and interesting from a grizzled veteran to a conspiracy theorist and a work camp leader, these are some of the many people that you will interact with as leaders of the few safe camps in the over world. You can rescue civilians and send them to one of these camps for different reward be that reparation or camp credits what is used for currency in the game or both
Gameplay 7/10
Story 8/10
Controls 8/10
Re-playability 6/10
My conclusion for this game is that it is a very enjoyable game to play and I would recommend it to any one with a PS4 and that it fun for a survival game even though they are not my preferred genre of games. This one offers gameplay types for all gameplay and the setting is a very interesting as most games make you and one-man army this one makes you a normal human just trying to survive and make it to the next day.
