We have been given the brief of our first project. We have to make a soundscape, a contextual statement and a weekly reflective journal. I started this by looking at my inspirations. I have been inspired by the world and its many idyllic vistas and mountain and hill ranges. I was up at the top of Ben Nevis a few years ago just listing to the area around me. Hear the sound of birds and the wind, this made me feel at peace and like all the troubles were washed away. I will use this to make my listeners to feel the same as I did on the top of that hill. I have also been inspired by the passage of time and the ways we perceive it. Movies like Lucy where the character Lucy is using 100% of here brain and she is zooming through space and time looking at one location zooming back and forward in time I will use this in my soundscape by having three different points in time of the same spot. I will use the three different city ambiance the first being a medieval, a present day and finally a possible future where the city have been flooded by a rising water level.