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  • Writer's pictureRyan Brooks

Short Sound Film

Week 1

This week I was given the brief for the short sound film so started to come up with ideas of ways I would go about doing this project I settled on doing a narrative piece where I can convey a message to the audience I still need to figure out what that message I want to give to the audience. I decided to uses my phone camera as I wanted to have a hand held vibe for my film this will consist of 4k video as I discovered that my phone will film at the resolution. I have made the decided to use Premier Pro as I only have a Windows Laptop at home and refuse to pay over a grand to but a mac powerful enough run Final Cut Pro X. I came to these decisions by doing a task for my Thursday class taking everything I learned in that class, implementing them to how I will go about this. I will use what I know about narration in cinema to create a compelling story. I will do the narration myself as I do not want to be left with out a narration because I could not get anyone to come in to do in the studio

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