Week 3
This week on Monday was a bank holiday so I spent the day researching for my DHNT and creating last weeks journal entry. I have finalised my idea for the DHNT where I plan to do a 5000-word extended essay looking at storytelling in videogames and how the different generation dealt with stories
in games. Speaking of DHNT I also had my first supervisor meeting with Nalini Paul where we disgusted what I am doing for the DHNT.
I also went on a sound walk where I just stopped and listen to my surroundings to see where the sound moved with in the space. I was hearing birds picking up sticks and cars moving on the main road. This was for home work task where I had to draw what I was hearing. We then disgust what we drew and where we where standing when we listened to the ambiance of our surroundings
I confirmed all the voice actors that I needed for my TWERK project and the clip that I will be working on for the semester. The voice actors will be my Dad, Myself, Pete and Mark and I have collected the clip and I am preparing to send the clips to the others who do not live with me. The next thing that I will be creating the scrips and session that I will work on for the project now that I have access to the Sound Snap, I will get a subscription to Epidemic sound to gain access to fair use music as composing is not my strongest area of expertise. I plan to bring my progress to the next paired tutorial meeting this Thursday and as my meeting is with Pete, I will make him aware of the clip a head of the meeting.
This week’s game review
Marvels Spiderman
Marvel’s Spiderman is a third-person open-world action game developed by Insomniac games and published by Sony. You play as Peter Parker AKA Spiderman voiced my Yuri Lowenthal as you battle through New York fighting the Sinister six. The main mechanic that you should focus on when making a spiderman game and that is the web swinging and they nailed it as we compare all of the spiderman games to the Spiderman 2 tie-in game which had the best version of the web swinging but the version in this game is a perfect homage to Spiderman 2, However there are a few faults with this game, as there are some forced stealth sections which you do not play as spiderman so you have no powers and no real way of defending yourself making it frustrating if you are playing on the harder difficulty and some of the side villains have no real impact to story and are only there to get in the way giving difficult and frustration mini games.
Gameplay 9/10
Story 8/10
Controls 9/10
Re-playability 9/10
My conclusion is that that is a very enjoyable experience and the DLC (downloadable content) rounds out the story to a satisfying point fleshing out some of the side characters continuing the events of the main game in the city that never sleeps giving you three new Campaign to play through each tying in to each other.
